The news of redundancy – be it good, bad or
indifferent – will hail a change and a new beginning. It will bring a fresh phase in life, welcome
or otherwise, and whatever a person’s situation, it is important for them to
‘look after number 1’ at what can be challenging time.
In the very early stages of dealing with the
news of redundancy, there are some useful and constructive points to consider
that will help ensure we protect our emotional well-being, whether redundancy
is voluntary or compulsory.
This investment in ourselves will pay
dividends; it will stand us in good stead for the time ahead and show that
redundancy does not have to be the end of the world.
To begin with, let’s explore the factors that
influence our reactions to the news of redundancy. A good understanding of these can keep us grounded, focused and in control. This
in turn, allows us to begin to look at our personal situation in a structured
and managed way.
How we react to the news that our job is
redundant will very much depend on our personal and financial
circumstances. What sorts of thing might
this include?
Factors affecting us include our:
marital or relationship status / situation
dependents – whether children, elderly or other relatives
outgoings / financial responsibilities
savings / pension provision
industry / sector
opportunity for severance or statutory pay
insurance arrangements.
As we said above, having a good understanding
of the factors that influence our reactions can help keep us grounded, focused
and in control and allow us to look at our situation in a structured and
managed way.
These are external ‘tangible’ factors; it’s
important to consider too some of the internal ‘emotional’ factors that will
affect how we react to the news of redundancy.
These could include:
our pride / ego
the extent of our emotional investment in the organisation
our levels of confidence and self-esteem.
Taking account of the emotional factors helps
to ‘normalise’ our reaction to redundancy.
It enables us to see that we are not reacting unreasonably or
unusually. This in turn helps us to
rationalise things, steady ourselves and begin to focus on the path ahead.
So to re-cap then, the point of starting off
with a look at what influences our reactions to the news of redundancy is to
improve self-awareness and thereby give us some grounding that will allow us to
‘see the wood for the trees’.
This article is a very small extract from the Trainer Bubble training course materials for, 'Dealing with Redundancy', which you can purchase from the Trainer Bubble website.
The 'Dealing with Redundancy' training course materials provide organisations with the opportunity to provide an effective post redundancy support mechanism for their staff. It will provide them with practical guidance on coping with redundancy as well as giving them clear guidance on how to progress to their next role or opportunity.