Saturday, 26 April 2008

Accredited Training - Trainer Bubble & ITOL

You may have noticed that things have gone a little quiet on the blog front over the last few weeks. Well, rest assured, we have not been sitting on our hands. In fact, we've been working extremely hard to provide added value to our website.

We are now extremely pleased to announce that we have established accreditation for our training materials from the Institute of Training and Occupational Learning (ITOL). This not only ensures that our customers know they are getting value for money, but also demonstrates our own personal commitment to excellence in training design.

What does it mean for our customers?

We are still finalising the details of this exciting opportunity. However, having accredited training means that our customers can market the training as such to their participants, which of course will provide added credibility to the training they deliver. It is also an opportunity to highlight the courses credentials in any marketing literature they provide.

Another benefit is the fact that we will be developing certificates in partnership with ITOL. This means that by becoming a member of ITOL, customers can order certificates from Trainer Bubble and provide them to participants at the end of their accredited training session.

We will provide more details of this great opportunity soon. In the meantime, you can find out more about ITOL here.

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