Monday, 23 August 2010

New iPhone App for Icebreakers, Energisers and Games!

Trainer Bubble are pleased to announce the completed development of our brand new Trainer Bubble iPhone App, which provides users with access to 100's of Icebreakers, Energisers and Training Games right in the palm of your hand.

This will save you the trouble of pre-preparing activities or using the same old icebreakers or energisers every time, as you'll have a vast resource right with you, wherever you go. Of course the icebreakers, energisers and training games can be used in any kind of event including meetings, training, teambuilding or large events. The possibilities are endless.

The Trainer Bubble iPhone App has the following key features...

  • Scroll through hundreds of icebreakers, energisers & training games to find the best suited to your needs

  • Save favourites into groups of your choosing for easy access

  • Use the Categories section to access activities by time or type

  • Alter the colours of each sectionto easily identify where you are

  • Shake the iPhone, iTouch, iPad for a 'Lucky Dip' activity

  • Regular updates, enhancements and improvements

A few screenshots...

So, if you'd like to find out more about this fantastic new app, pop over to the Trainer Bubble website or view it directly via the iTunes website.

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