Monday, 14 May 2007

Trainer Bubble Sponsors Develop the Developer Survey 2007

Trainer Bubble are proud sponsors of the Develop the Developer 2007 survey.

The Survey goes live on 21st May.

The project is the largest independent survey of people developers, trainers and managers.


The focus for the new research project looks at the current and required skills for people that develop others. - to develop the developer.
To participate in the survey click here

To find out more about the survey and the history of the project click here


A lot of research as gone into looking at the skills people need to fulfil occupational roles. Little has been done to explore the skills required for people who develop others but are not in the role of teacher or trainer. Even the role of trainer and coach has changed dramatically.

In 1991 AMED were involved in carrying out such research for the government. Now over 15 years on we will be running a similar
survey and need your help.

If you consider yourself to be a people developer we would like you to complete the survey.

Developing the developers is a project with an aim of researching the current and future needs of people developers. As the business world progresses so does the role of people developers. At one time this was the remit of the HR or training team. Now with an increasing pace within the world of business, most of us have some responsibility for the development of others. But do we have the necessary skills?

What skills do we need and where can we get them?

This project sets out to answer these questions. So if you manage, mentor, coach, train teach, educate or develop people in any way we want to know how you develop these skills and most importantly how you learn new skills, just when you need them.

What and who are Developers?

Developers are people that help other people to grow. Other titles you may be more familiar with include: Manager, Trainer, Coach, Facilitator, Mentors, Team Leaders etc.

Over recent years more emphasis has been placed on people development than ever before, with the responsibility of learning handed to individuals the eye has been taken of the ball in providing the skills to those involved in support the learning of others. This project seeks to identify what the current responsibilities are and to identify the development and training needs of this audience.

We welcome your involvement in this ambitious project. All you need to do is to take the survey!

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