Tuesday 22 July 2008

Report Writing - Getting Started

For many people the hardest part in writing a report is getting started.

Have you ever struggled to find the right words?

Or do you start writing but find that you don’t get very far because you are unhappy with what you have written?

Do you then find yourself re-writing your opening?

It is all too easy to get bogged down and to make little or no progress. This is sometimes known as writer’s block.

Instead of aiming for perfection the key to writing a lengthy piece such as a report is to get on and write it. Don’t try to edit it as you go along. It is usually far better to write the whole piece and then to go back and edit it later. Try this approach:

  • Work through the major points you intend to cover one at a time.
  • Start writing and write everything you have planned to cover on each of these points.
  • Avoid looking for better or more impressive words.
  • Avoid stopping and evaluating your work while you are still writing. Do this only when you have finished.
  • Keep going until you have finished your first draft.
If you have already produced a report outline as recommended you will find it is much easier to write the report itself.

Visit Trainer Bubble, where you will find our training course materials including trainers notes for Report Writing. www.trainerbubble.com

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